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About Us

photo of PCA/FRA principal, Chris Reyna


Pathways Charter Academy empowers students to take charge of their education and achieve success by connecting their individual needs, strengths, weaknesses, and interests to appropriate resources through a comprehensive, individualized success plan that includes a rigorous and meaningful individualized learning plan. Through this process, students become educated and responsible citizens, critical problem-solvers, self-motivated, competent and lifelong learners. This foundation enables our students to live successful, healthy and stable lives as productive members of our community and the world. 


Pathways Charter Academy provides an educational opportunity that offers California standards-aligned curriculum, individualized instruction through an independent study/personalized learning approach designed to maximize growth of all students, and a goal-oriented program of helping every student realize his or her potential.
All students will complete a comprehensive intake assessment to create an individualized success plan that includes a rigorous individualized learning plan tailoring students’ education to their personal needs, strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and interests. Social-emotional-behavioral supports, career exploration and preparation, and college attendance are strong components of our educational focus to make learning relative and meaningful.
As a County Community School, PCA serves pupils for whom the county office of education would otherwise be responsible for providing direct education and related services. This includes serving pupils based on parent request or referred by agencies. 
County Community Schools may enroll pupils whose school districts of attendance or, for pupils who do not have school districts of attendance, school districts of residence, have, at the request of the pupil's parent or guardian, approved the pupil's enrollment in a county community school. 
Pupils in the core program may also be referred through SARB, Juvenile Probation, Expulsion, or otherwise be involved in the Juvenile Justice System. These pupils who do not need intensive services may be enrolled in our core program. 


All students are provided curriculum that meets the California standards for their grade level with high-interest delivery and regular and purposeful assessment that drives individualized instruction.


Core Program: Grades TK-12
Intensive Core Program: Grades TK-12